- Image via Wikipedia
For new users trying to learn how to program a website, PHP is a popular scripting language that was previously designed for web developers to be able to produce high quality websites. PHP code works along with HTML coding, and is interpreted by a server which features a PHP processor module. This module then generates the web site document, which can then be launched onto the web using the creator’s choice of publishing software. PHP can be used as a processor for most current servers, as well as its own interpreter on many of the popular operating systems. PHP’s primary function is to serve as a filter, in which the program takes information from a previously existing file and then is able to put out another file, usually in HTML format. It is a more complex program to use, but for those wanting to add features to their site and are up for a slight challenge, PHP can help with web developing.
PHP usually runs along with the LAMP Stack software bundle. It is most useful in creating dynamic web pages, which means that new information is provided to each visitor as the site is viewed. It is also available for free, and the software is designed to allow each user to customize every feature. PHP was developed in 1995 and has been under constant development to improve its functions and features ever since. After its initial creation, a team began to form in order to develop, process, and test the software, and was able to release the second stage of PHP in November 1997. PHP 3 was tested for a year following this, and was launched in June 1998. The fourth version took several more years to perfect, and then the fifth came out in July 2004. One of the best progressions that came with version 5 was late static binding, or the association of identifiers with an individual code or object.