Be a WordPress Guru with These Eight Tips

So you’re interested in publishing your own blog through WordPress software. What are your options and opportunities in regards to posting and organizing? How can you make your page stand out and receive the most visitors?

  • Choose a base theme. This is your title for all of your posts to follow. Find the theme page that reflects your personality and base theme at:
  • Keep your posts brief and to the point. Your readers read you for a reason; they enjoy the topic you share and the way in which you share it.
  • Customize your page through plugins. Plugins are widgets, stats, or other forms of tracking folks who visit your blog. The widget plugin allows folks to interact in the conversation at hand; providing statistics on your blog is made automatic through the use of your API Key—Get your key at: BuddyPress is a social networking plugin that assists you in keeping in touch with people with similar interests. Find it here: You may also want a plugin to show off the recent comments made to your blog.
  • Customize your page with WordPress ideas found here:
  • For ideas on how to make your blog great, visit the WordPress Showcase at:
  • Get involved in WordCamp; a free conference that shares with you all you need to know about WordPress and the people involved. Find out if there is a WordCamp in your state or country.
  • Join a forum. A forum assists you with such things as installation, hacks, themes, and templates.
  • Have a complaint? Want your complaint to be anonymous? WordPress has a page for that too! Find it at:

Becoming a WordPress guru is an easy and fun process you’ll not want to miss. Get your blog going, share your thoughts on your favorite subject, and wait for the readership to pour in!